
Headset-free AR

Partnering with Netflix, we created a speculative new interaction model for experiencing the platform as a feature for Fast Company. Utilizing argo's Interactive Light development, we imagined a bespoke device allowing users to project an interface onto any surface and select what they would watch together, as a nomination/vote activity, before flinging the content to the screen.

A scrappy, fast production— I shot the video in our office with co-workers and animated the designs.

Role: Motion Designer
Agency: argodesign
Client: Netflix

Speculative Augmented Interactions


Industrial Design by Hayes Urban



Magic LeapUser Experience Design

USAA x NFLDirection

AppleTitle Design

ApolloMotion Language System


Patrón TequilaBrand Anthem

MetaUI Vision

Cognitive ScaleDesign Story

Magic Leap, Kinetic TypeBrand Identity

Sirius XMVision Exploration

Under ArmourMotion Design

VRBO x FödaIdentity

Patrón Cocktail LabProduct Video

DellProduct Videos

DXCProduct Video


EtihadFuture Vision


WaldoOrientation Animation

WinkProduct Design

Larkin Lane FilmsBrand Identity

Canvas by DellDocumentary Series

© 2024 Luther Himes IV